№ 2020/4
1Азербайджанський державний економічний університет (UNEC), відділ фінансів та фінансових установ
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2020; 4:122-136 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2020.04.122 |
Стаття українською мовою (cтор. 122 - 136) | Завантажити | Завантажень : 429 |
1. Kolb, Robert W., Overdahl, James A. (2010). Financial Derivatives: Pricing and Risk Management. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (1996, 2 July). Collateralized Commodity Financing, with special reference to the use of warehouse receipts. Report.
3. Neil, C. Schofield (2007). Commodity Derivatives. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
4. Parker, Edmund and Perzanowski, Marcin (Consulting Editors). (2017, Jun.). Practical Derivatives: A Transactional Approach. Third Edition.
5. Grima, Simon, Thalassinos, Eleftherios I. (2020). Financial Derivatives: A Blessing or a Curse? Emerald Publishing Limited.
6. Wehling, Philine, Garthwaite, Bill (2015). Designing warehouse receipt legislation: Regulatory options and recent trends. FAO. Rome.
7. Höllinger, Frank, Rutten, Lamon, Kiriakov, Krassimir (2009, 6-7 June). The use of warehouse receipt finance in agriculture in transition countries. FAO, Working Paper presented at the World Grain Forum 2009. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
8. Kaminska, Izabella (2014, December 3). Markets Equities Citi vs Mercuria, a.k.a when commodity repos go wrong. Financial Times. URL: ftalphaville.ft.com/2014/12/03/2058901/citi-vs-mercuria-a-k-a-when-commodity-repos-go-wrong/
9. Commodity exchanges in Europe and Central Asia, A means for management of price risk. Working Paper, prepared under the FAO (2011). World Bank Cooperative Programme.
10. A Case Study material of the Turkish Commodity Exchanges and Warehousing Model, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). URL: www.tobb.org.tr/"obb.org.tr
11. Delwaide, Anne-Cécile and Coulson, Luke. A Case Study of the Chithumba Model. A non-traditional finance mechanism to improve access to farm inputs in Malawi. Delwaide International Development Research Centre. Ottawa, Canada. URL: www.meda.org/innovate/innovate-resources/821-partner-publication-a-case-study-of-the-chithumba-model-a-non-traditional-finance-mechanism-to-improve-access-to-farm-inputs-in-malawi/file/
12. Kozár, L. (2004). The role of public warehousing and the commodity exchange in the Hungarian grain market (Ph.D. thesis).
University of Debrecen, Centre for Agricultural Sciences. Debrecen.
13. UNCTAD and the WFE (2015). The Role of Stock Exchanges in Fostering Economic Growth and Sustainable Development.
2. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (1996, 2 July). Collateralized Commodity Financing, with special reference to the use of warehouse receipts. Report.
3. Neil, C. Schofield (2007). Commodity Derivatives. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
4. Parker, Edmund and Perzanowski, Marcin (Consulting Editors). (2017, Jun.). Practical Derivatives: A Transactional Approach. Third Edition.
5. Grima, Simon, Thalassinos, Eleftherios I. (2020). Financial Derivatives: A Blessing or a Curse? Emerald Publishing Limited.
6. Wehling, Philine, Garthwaite, Bill (2015). Designing warehouse receipt legislation: Regulatory options and recent trends. FAO. Rome.
7. Höllinger, Frank, Rutten, Lamon, Kiriakov, Krassimir (2009, 6-7 June). The use of warehouse receipt finance in agriculture in transition countries. FAO, Working Paper presented at the World Grain Forum 2009. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
8. Kaminska, Izabella (2014, December 3). Markets Equities Citi vs Mercuria, a.k.a when commodity repos go wrong. Financial Times. URL: ftalphaville.ft.com/2014/12/03/2058901/citi-vs-mercuria-a-k-a-when-commodity-repos-go-wrong/
9. Commodity exchanges in Europe and Central Asia, A means for management of price risk. Working Paper, prepared under the FAO (2011). World Bank Cooperative Programme.
10. A Case Study material of the Turkish Commodity Exchanges and Warehousing Model, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). URL: www.tobb.org.tr/"obb.org.tr
11. Delwaide, Anne-Cécile and Coulson, Luke. A Case Study of the Chithumba Model. A non-traditional finance mechanism to improve access to farm inputs in Malawi. Delwaide International Development Research Centre. Ottawa, Canada. URL: www.meda.org/innovate/innovate-resources/821-partner-publication-a-case-study-of-the-chithumba-model-a-non-traditional-finance-mechanism-to-improve-access-to-farm-inputs-in-malawi/file/
12. Kozár, L. (2004). The role of public warehousing and the commodity exchange in the Hungarian grain market (Ph.D. thesis).
University of Debrecen, Centre for Agricultural Sciences. Debrecen.
13. UNCTAD and the WFE (2015). The Role of Stock Exchanges in Fostering Economic Growth and Sustainable Development.