№ 1/2020
1State Organization «Institute of Market and Economic&Ecological Research of the NAS of Ukraine»
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2020; 1:32-46 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2020.01.032 |
The article investigates the reasons for the significant difference in the dynamics of Ukraine's GDP in 2000-2008 and the last decade.
It has been shown that large-scale reforms in developed countries in the 1980s and 1990s contributed to the relatively stable development of the economies of most of these countries for almost a quarter of a century. Later, the emphasis in economic policy was on stimulating demand. This largely caused the depth of the 2008-2009 crisis and the slow GDP growth of most developed countries afterwards. At the same time, GDP dynamics in some countries differed markedly from global trends.
Australia last experienced an output decline in 1991. Such a long crisis-free development of this country is largely the result of a set of reforms aimed at developing competition. The most important areas of Australia's National Competition Policy, its economic and social implications, are analyzed.
It is substantiated that radical reforms aimed at deregulating the economy and developing competition became a major factor of the upswing that began in Ukraine in 2000. However, the cessation of reforms, and subsequently, measures aimed at restricting competition, led to a stagnation of Ukraine’s economy, despite the relatively favorable external economic conditions. The relationship between the intensity of internal competition and the dynamics of Ukraine's GDP is shown. Survey data suggest that competition grew rapidly, peaking in 2006-2007, but then substantially declined.
It is noted that the economic reforms carried out in Ukraine over recent 5 years have been generally less radical and consistent than those implemented 20 years ago. The necessity of a national competition policy in Ukraine is substantiated, its main directions are defined.
Keywords:internal competition, competitiveness, competition policy, economic reforms, Ukraine
JEL: O12, P12
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 32 - 46) | Download | Downloads :499 |
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№ 1/2023
NIKISHYNA Oksana Volodimirіvna1, SHCHERBAK Аnatolij 2
1State Organization "Institute of Market and Economic&Ecological Research of the NAS of Ukraine"
2State Organization «Institute of Market and Economic&Ecological Research of the NAS of Ukraine»
Transition to selective regulation of retail trade in Ukraine on the basis of EU experience
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2023; 1:76-96 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2023.01.076 |
The article analyzes the causes and consequences of the rapid development of retail trade networks. It is shown that this contributed to increased production efficiency, while retail chains gained market power and began to play a key role in the supply chains of many consumer goods. This allows them to redistribute in their favor part of the value added created in other sectors. For this purpose, they use unfair trading practices: unjustified delays in payments for delivered products, imposing services that do not add value to suppliers, transferring commercial risks to them, etc.
The system of regulation of retail trade in European countries has been studied. Differences in the regulation of this sector in 13 countries were analyzed based on the data of the Retail Restrictiveness Indicator. It is shown that the strictest restrictions are enforced in Belarus and in Italy. The regulatory regime in the Baltic states is the most liberal. The authors argue that in the EU countries there is a tendency to move to selective regulation of retail trade, whose object primarily includes "discontinuities" in commodity and financial flows in the systems of vertically adjacent commodity markets. Selective regulation does not limit the operation of market mechanisms, but, on the contrary, promotes their more efficient functioning, eliminating market failures without a significant regulatory burden on business. On the one hand, restrictions on the opening of large-format stores, on trade at reduced prices, etc., are considerably eased. On the other hand, regulation is introduced in certain areas where it was not implemented before. Clarified changes in the regulatory system of retail trade in the EU after adoption of Directive 2019/633 on unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain.
The authors substantiate the necessity and ways of transition to selective regulation of retail trade in Ukraine. It is shown that the prohibition of unfair trading practices in the food supply chain is much more important in Ukraine than in EU countries. The need to implement the norms of EU Directive 2019/633 into domestic legislation by adopting the Draft Law "On protection against unfair trading practices in relations between business entities in the field of supply of agricultural and food products" has been justified.
Keywords:retail trade, retail trade chains, selective regulation, unfair trading practices
JEL: L51, L81, O52
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 76 - 96) | Download | Downloads :87 |
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