№ 2012/2
Market: forecast and conjuncture
1 Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Identification of the content and ranking of the threats to the social security system
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2012; 2:118-128 | |
The author reveals the theoretical essence and modern sense of the social threats, and investigates the peculiarities of their reveal and identification for further development of the indicators of the threats to the system of social security. The theoretico-methodological basis of the research com-prises the general scientific principles allowing for objective description and analysis based on critical comprehension of various sources, as well as general scientific research methods allowing for rank-ing and identification of the existing threats to the system of social security. The investigation’s result is a demonstration of diversity and viability of the system of social security under the changing envi-ronment and existence of a great number of threats
Keywords:social threats, system of social security, systemic risks to the security, indicators of the threats to the system of social security
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 118 - 128) | Download | Downloads :391 |
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