№ 4/2007
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Efficiency of the domestic market of the national economy: methodology and analysis
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2007; 4:75-92 |
The author proposes a variant of improvement of the methodol-ogy of assessing the dynamic efficiency of the domestic mar-ket of the national economy on the basis of the criterion of mobility of productive resources. He analyzes the efficiency of Ukraine;s domestic market during 1991-2006 and argues the conclusion that its development level is insufficient for long-term sustainable growth of this country;s economy
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 75 - 92) | Download | Downloads :558 |
2. Shumpeter J. Kapitalizm, Socializm i Demokratiya: Per. s angl, M.: Ekonomika, 1995.– 450 s.
3. Kabral` Luis M.B. Organizaciya otraslevykh rinkov: vvodnyj kurs: Per. s angl, Mynsk: Novoe znanye, 2003, 356 s.
4. Korablin S.O. Sukupna propozytsiia ta optymalna infliatsiia Ekonomika i prognozuvannia, 2005, № 1, S. 9–32.
5. Tomas V, Daylami M, Dareshvar A. ta in. Yakist ekonomichnogo zrostannia: Per.s angl, K.: Vydavnytstvo Solomii Pavlychko Osnovy, 2002, 350 s.
6. Derzhavna programa ekonomichnogo i sotsialnogo rozvytku Ukrainy na 2007 rik. Elektronnyi resurs , 2007, 32 s, Dostupnyi z: < www.me.kmu.gov.ua>.
7. Osnovni pokaznyky ekonomichnogo ta sotsialnogo stanu Ukrainy za 2000–2007 pp. Biuleten natsionalnogo banku, 2007, № 4, S. 60–63.
8. Uzyakov M. Ekonomicheskij rost v Rossii: kolichestvennaya i kachestvennaya sostavlyayushie Problemy prognozirovaniya, 2004, № 3, S. 15–26.
9. Statystychnyi shorichnyk Ukrainy za 2005 rik Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy, K.: Konsultant, 2006, 576 s.
10. Statystychnyi shorichnyk Ukrainy za 2000 rik Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy, K.: Konsultant, 2001, 598 s.
11. Statystychnyi shorichnyk Ukrainy za 1995 rik Ministerstvo statystyky Ukrainy, K.: Tekhnika, 1996, 576 s.
12. Statystychnyi shorichnyk Ukrainy za 1994 rik Ministerstvo statystyky Ukrainy, K.: Tekhnika, 1995, 519 s.
13. Silske gospodarstvo Ukrainy za 1998 rik: Stat. shorichnyk Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy, K, 1999, 248 s.
14. Silske gospodarstvo Ukrainy za 2004 rik: Stat. shorichnyk Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy, K, 2005, 340 s.
№ 4/2009
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
The cycles of business activity on Ukraine’s domestic market
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2009; 4:33-52 |
The author expands the methodology to analyze cyclic fluctuations of business activities of the market participants, and investigates business cycles on this country’s domestic market in 1991–2009, that were determined of its institutional structure; an analysis has been made of the impact of foreign economic conjuncture on their development. The author justifies the hypothesis that a new business cycle on Ukraine’s domes-tic market may begin in case of reform of its institutional structure within the government’s long term anti-cyclic policy and with the neutralization of the threats of decrease in commodity production caused by the world economic crisis of 2008–2009
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 33 - 52) | Download | Downloads :544 |
2. Shumpeter J. Teoriya ekonomicheskogo razvitiya, per. s nem. V.S.Avtonomova, M.S.Lyubskogo, A.Yu.Chepurenko , M., Progress, 1982, 455 s.
3. Antologiya ekonomicheskoj klassiki, predislovie, sostavlenie I.A.Stolyarova, M., "EKONOV", "Klyuch", 1993, 486 s.
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5. Kharrod R.F. K teorii ekonomicheskoj dinamiki, per. I.K.Dashkovskogo, M., Izdvo inostrannoj literatury, 1959, 212 s.
6. Peters E. Khaos i poryadok na rynkakh kapitala, M., Mir, 2000, S. 336.
7. Pustovoyt O.V. Rynok: ekonomichna sutnist, typova i vydova riznomanitnist, Ekonomichna teoriia, 2008, № 4, S. 44–55.
8. The Ukraine Competitiveness Report 2008, published by World Economic Forum, 2008, 176 r. <www.weforum.org>.
9. Korablin S.O. Sukupna propozytsiia ta optymalna infliatsiia, Ekonomika i prognozuvannia, 2005, № 1, S. 9–32.
10. Heyets V.M. Nestabilnist ta ekonomichne zrostannia, K., Int ekon. prognozuv, 2000, 344 s.
11. Polterovich V.M. Elementy teorii reform, M., ZAO "Izdatel`stvo "Ekonomika"", 2007, 447 s.
12. Narodne gospodarstvo Ukrainy u 1991 rotsi: stat. shorichnyk, K. : Tekhnika, 1992, 468 s.
13. Narodne gospodarstvo Ukrainy u 1993 rotsi: stat. shorichnyk, K. : Tekhnika, 1994, 494 s.
14. Osnovni pokaznyky ekonomichnogo ta sotsialnogo stanu Ukrainy za 1991–2001 roky, Biuleten Natsionalnogo banku Ukrainy, 2008, № 11, S. 38–41.
15. Osnovni pokaznyky ekonomichnogo rozvytku, Statystychnyi biuleten Natsionalnogo banku Ukrainy (elektronne vydannia), 2009, berezen, <www.bank.gov.ua>.
16. Indeksy spozhyvchykh tsin na tovary ta poslugy u 2008 rotsi, <www.ukrstat.gov.ua>.
17. Groshovokredytna statystyka,Statystychnyi biuleten Natsionalnogo banku Ukrainy (elektronne vydannia), 2009, serpen, <www.bank.gov.ua>.
18. Naiavnyi dokhod naselennia Ukrainy za II kvartal 2009 roku, Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy, <www.ukrstat.gov.ua>.
19. Naiavnyi dokhod naselennia Ukrainy za sichen–cherven 2008 roku, Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy, <www.ukrstat.gov.ua>.
20. Deflyaciya v OESR sostavila 0,3% Ekonomicheskie izvestiya, 2009, 4 noiabria, S. 6.
21. Obsiagy oborotu rozdribnoi torgivli za sichen–lystopad 2009 roku, Derzhavnyi komitet statystyky Ukrainy, <www.ukrstat.gov.ua>.
22. Gryznya mezhdu supermarketami i postavshikami povysit ceny na produkciyu, Biznes gid Internet gazeta dlya biznesmenov i potrebitelej, 2009, 8 oktiabria, <biznesgid com.ua /news /08.10.09/7837.html>.
23. Novi kredyty, Biuleten Natsionalnogo banku Ukrainy, 2009, serpen, S. 34, <www.bank.gov.ua>.
24. Nepryakhina N, Chernyj R. Nepravil`nyj vyvod , Komersante` Ukrainy, 2009, № 35, 27 fevralia, S. 6.
№ 2/2012
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Effect of the interference of the waves of foreign and domestic economic conjuncture in Ukraine’s economy
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2012; 2:99-117 |
It is argued that acceleration of economic growth in Ukraine should not be closely associated with the formation, in the future, of a favorable economic conjuncture for export of the traditional do-mestic produce and maintaining its price competitiveness at the expense of the hryvnia devalua-tion. The above mentioned conclusion is supported by the results of the research on the interfer-ence effect, in 2000–2011, of foreign and domestic conjuncture waves on this country's domestic market. The consequences of their interaction appear to be contradictory. In particular, beginning with 2005, improved conjuncture for domestic exports caused increased aggregate demand on the domestic market. However, that encouraged domestic producers to expand imports, not the vol-umes of their own output, which led to macroeconomic disproportions in Ukraine’s economy. The main of them were the increase in the negative trade balance, restriction of gross savings and investment activities in favor of the imports etc. And their tendency to increase speeds up the economy's movement towards another cyclical crisis. It is possible to alter that scenario in Ukraine through the development of a consistent state policy of the development of domestic market. Among its priorities, it is advisable to choose the following: import substitution, deepening the level of procession of the available natural resources, production of new items for the domestic market, and radical change of investment climate.
Keywords:conjuncture, conjuncture wave, effect of the interference of conjuncture waves, domestic market, endogenous growth, priority guidelines of the national policy, import substitution, natural resources, new products, investment climate
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 99 - 117) | Download | Downloads :550 |
2. Ekonomicheskaya enciklopediya, gl. red. L.I.Abalkin, M., Izdatel`stvo "Ekonomika", 1999, 1055 s.
3. Bol`shaya ekonomicheskaya enciklopediya, M., EKSMO, 2008, 816 s.
4. Klimov V.G. Ekonomicheskaya kone`yunktura. Faktory i mekhanizmy formirovaniya, uchebn. posobie, M., ZAO "Izdatel`stvo "Ekonomika, 2005, 278 s.
5. Melnyk T.M. Mizhnarodna torgivlia tovaramy v umovakh globalnoi konkurentsii, monografiia, K., Kyiv. nats.. torg. unt, 2007, 396 s.
6. Cukhlo S. Metodologicheskie osnovy organizacii i analiticheskie vozmozhnosti kone`yunkturnykh oprosov v rossijskoj promyshlennosti, M., Int Gajdara, 2010, 136 s., il, (Nauchnye trudy Inta im. E.E.Gajdara, № 145R).
7. Lagutin V.D. Vnutrishniy rynok spozhyvchykh tovariv: teoriia rozvytku i reguliuvannia, monografiia, K., Kyiv. nats. torg.ekon. unt, 2008, 327 s.
8. Rebelo S. Modeli real`nykh delovykh ciklov: proshloe, nastoyashee i budushet, Voprosy ekonomiki, 2010, № 10, S. 56–67.
9. Vudford M. Sblizhenie vzglyadov v makroekonomike: elementy novogo sinteza, Voprosy ekonomiki, 2010, № 10, S. 17–30.
10. Grigor`ev L., Ivanenko A., Teoriya cikla pod udarom krizisa, Voprosy ekonomiki, 2010, № 10, S. 31–55.
11 Rajskaya N., Sergienko Ya., Frenkel` A., Matveeva O., Dinamika khozyajstvennoj kone`yunktury, Ekonomist, 2006, № 6, S. 11–20.
12. Goryunov D. Indeks operedil rost VVP, Ekonomicheskie izvestiya, 2007, 12 aprelia, S. 5.
13. Grigor`ev L, .Ivanenko A., Teoriya cikla pod udarom krizisa, L.Grigor`ev, Voprosy ekonomiki, 2010, № 10, S. 31–55.
14. Korablin S. Kursovi tupyky syrovynnykh ekonomik, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, 2010, 23 zhovtnia, S. 1, 7.
15. Hutchison M. Manufacturing Sector Resiliency to Energy Booms: Empirical Evidence from Norway, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, Oxford Economic Papers, 1994, Vol. 46, P. 314.
16. Fetisov G.G. Zadacha snizheniya zavisimosti rossijskoj ekonomiki ot syr`evogo eksporta i al`ternativy ekonomicheskoj politiki, Problemy prognozirovaniya, 2008, № 3, S. 17–34.
17. The Global Competitiveness Report 2010–2011, World Economic Forum, 2011, R. 501, http: //www. weforum.org.
18. The Ukraine Competitiveness Report 2008, World Economic Forum, 2008, 266 r, http: //www. weforum.org.
19. Statystychnyi shorichnyk Ukrainy za 1999 rik, Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy, K., "Tekhnika", 2000, 645 s.
20. Tovarna struktura zovnishnoi torgivli za 2011 rik, Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy, http: // www. ukrstat. gov. ua
№ 1/2015
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
The policy of development of the domestic market and EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: common and contradicting objectives
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2015; 1:49-63 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2015.01.049 |
After 2008, Ukraine's domestic market has been growing slowly compared to other countries and exerted hardly any influence on the development of commodity production sector. The reasons are associated with the fact that consumers, because of the low growth of discretionary income, were slow in changing their consumer spending in favor of innovative and better quality products and manufacturers tended to satisfy the scanty demand for such products with imported items. The slowed structural changes in aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the domestic market led to the following negative economic trends: high income differentiation, which in Ukraine is 2-3 times greater than in the developed world, technological backwardness of the commodity production, where the wear rate of fixed assets reached 76,7%, devaluation of the hryvnya, and inflation.
The only way for the Ukrainian Government to expand the domestic market, and use its potential to update and modernize the domestic commodity production is increasing the consumers' purchasing power together with encouraging investment in the sector of commodity production. These issues were not solved with the help of the economic benefits which Ukraine received in 2008 after accessing the WTO. EU - Ukraine Association Agreement gives the Ukrainian Government another chance to succeed in implementing the policy of the growth of domestic market providing it is supplemented by protectionist measures focused on import substitution, increasing the productivity of commodity production, and launching new types of hightech products.
Keywords: economic grows, domestic market, structural changes in demand and supply, investment, consumers' purchasing power, public policy, protectionism
JEL: O110, O250
Article in English (pp. 49 - 63) | Download | Downloads :838 |
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 49 - 63) | Download | Downloads :652 |
2. Zhalilo, Ya.A. Hats'ko, V.M. (2006). Problems of modern principles of import substitution policy in Ukraine. Stratehichna panorama – Strategic Panorama, 1, 102-111 [in Ukrainian].
3. The Ukraine Competitiveness Report (2008). World Economic Forum. Retrieved from www.weforum.org
4. The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from www.weforum.org
5. World Development Indicators (2014). The World bank. Retrieved from databank.worldbank.org/data/home.aspx
6. Kurbanov, K.R., Pushkar, O.I. (2011). Differentiation of Income Distribution as a Factor of Influence on the Economic Development of the Country. Biuleten' Mizhnarodnoho Nobelivs'koho ekonomichnoho forumu – Bulletin of the International Nobel Economic Forum, 1 (4), 211-217 [in Ukrainian].
7. Vishnevskij, A.S. Evaluation of the social orientation of the economy in the context of regional policy of Ukraine. Retrieved from ars-administrandi.com/article/Vishnevsky_2013_3.pdf [in Russian].
8. Volyns'kyj, H. (2008). About the Social Differentiation of the Population. Ekonomika Ukrainy – Economy of Ukraine, 2, 79-84 [in Ukrainian].
9. In Ukraine – 21 dollar billionaires. Fokus – Focus. Retrieved 15 March, 2011 from www.focus.ua/economy/174687 [in Russian].
10. Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine for 2013 (2014). Derzhstat Ukrai'ny – State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
11. The Law of Ukraine "On amendments to the Customs Tariff of Ukraine" dated 23.06.2005. No 2715. Retrieved from www.zakon.rada.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
12. The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine" dated 07.07.2005 No 2775. Retrieved from www.zakon.rada.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
13. Tochylin, V.O., Ostashko, T.O., Pustovojt, O.V. (2008). Problems and directions of domestic market protection. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
14. Poda, V. (2011). Ukraine for Ukrainians. Kommentarii – Comments, 18 November, 44, 31 [in Russian].
15. Dejneko, L.V., Ostashko, T.O., Yakubovs'kyj, M.M. (2013). Features and warnings about the consequences of putting into effect of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
16. Ostashko, T.O., Prokopa, I.V., Borodina, O.M. (2014). Assessing the impact of AA / FTA between Ukraine and the EU on Ukraine's economy. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
17. Cvetkov, V. (2010). We need a program of import substitution. Jekonomicheskij ezhenedel'nik "Kurs N" – Economic Weekly Course N, 11 June. Retrieved from www.rosmetiz.ru/upload/files/interview/2010_chetkov_32.pdf [in Russian].
18. Politics and tools to stimulate innovation and technological development of industry experience individual countries (2014). Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine [in Russian].
19. Commodity structure of foreign trade for 2013 (2014). Retrieved from www.ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
№ 2/2016
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Ukrainian economy: chaotic and cyclical fluctuations around the long-term growth trend
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2016; 2:83-106 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2016.02.083 |
During thirteen of the past 25 years, Ukrainian economy was in crisis, and during the remaining twelve years it was in the state of economic growth. In the scientific community this phenomenon has caused debate: was the frequency of crises and phases of growth a result of the action of random economic shocks or cyclical fluctuations in the economy around its long-term trend of development? Without answering this question it is impossible to develop any forecasts or strategies for future growth of the Ukrainian economy. To solve this problem, the author investigated the dynamics of Ukraine's economy in 1990-2015. As the basis of the research he took the hypothesis that the uneven growth of the Ukrainian economy in the short term was shaped by shocks of external conditions, and in the medium term it was determined by the institutional economic cycles which in turn influenced the formation of the long-term trend of domestic commodity production.
The results of the survey helped gather evidence of the fact that during 1997-2015 in the Ukrainian economy, an economic cycle took place caused by the institutional reforms of 1997-1999 during which the domestic commodity output constantly varied under the shocks of external conjuncture and eventually acquired its own long-term trend of growth. These conclusions made it possible to identify the priorities for future institutional reforms in the domestic economy in order to resume its growth in the medium and long term.
Keywords: economic growth, institutions, institutional economic cycle, shocks of external conjuncture, domestic market, economic reforms
JEL: O400
Article in English (pp. 83 - 106) | Download | Downloads :751 |
2. Heyets, V. M. (at all, ed.). (2010). Economics of Ukraine for 1991–2009 years. Institute of Economics and forecasting. Kyiv, Ukraine State Statistics Service [in Ukrainian].
3. Taranenko, I. V., Zelenska, V. A. (2015). The impact in world markets of steel products in Ukraine's GDP dynamics. Ekonomichnyj nobelivs'kyj visnyk, 8, 108–118 [in Ukrainian].
4. Rebelo, S. (2010). Models of real business cycles: past, present and future. Voprosy jekonomiki, 10, 56–67 [in Russian].
5. Mavlianov, S. (2012). Export-led growth and economic development of South Korea: lessons for Kyrgyzstan. International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Retrieved from avekon.org/papers/532.pdf
6. Satsyk, V. (2009). Countercyclical regulation of economy of Ukraine in modern conditions the volatility of international markets. Mizhnarodna ekonomichna polityka, 1–2 (10–11), 129–156 [in Ukrainian].
7. Vozna, L., Zhalilo, Ya. (2014). Business cycle as a phenomenon of Ukrainian economy: background and forming conclusions for policy makers. Stratehichni prioritety, 2 (31), 23–34 [in Ukrainian].
8. State program of development of domestic production, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 2011, September, 12, N 1130. Retrieved from www.zakon.rada.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
9. Kryuchkova, I. (2004). Structural factors of economic development of Ukraine. Kyiv, NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting; Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian].
10. State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2013). The costs and resources of households. Retrieved from www.ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
11. Pustovoit, O. (2016). The institutional nature of economic cycles. Experience of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Retrieved from ief.org.ua/?page_id=5770#pagetitle [in Ukrainian].
12. Coase, R. (1993). The company, the market and right. Moscow: Delo Ltd and Catallaxy [in Russian].
13. North, D. (2000). Institutions, institutional change and the economy, translation. from English. Kyiv: Osnovy [in Ukrainian].
14. Tugan-Baranovsky, M.I. (2004). Paper money and metal. Kyiv: Kyiv National Economic University [in Ukrainian].
15. Solow, R. M. (1957). Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 39:8, 312–320. doi: doi.org/10.2307/1926047
16. Lukinov, I. (1997). Economic Transformation (late twentieth century). Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting [in Ukrainian].
17. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. (2011). Consumer price index in the 1992–2010 biennium (until December). Retrieved from www.ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
18. Forbes: Three Ukrainian – the list of the richest people in the world (2006, March 10). RBC-Ukraine. Retrieved from www.rbc.ua/ukr/analytics/forbes_troe_ukraintsev_v_spiske_bogateyshih_lyudey_planety_1141982870 [in Ukrainian].
19. Ukrainian people impoverished, while the number of billionaires is increasing (2012, 14–20 November). Personal plus, 46 (503). Retrieved from www.personal-plus.net/503/9799.html [in Ukrainian].
20. World Development Indicators (2014). The World bank. Retrieved from databank.worldbank.org/data/home.aspx
21. Lanovyj, V. (June 16, 2015). Anatomy of a crisis of the Ukrainian economy. Ekonomichna pravda. Retrieved from www.epravda.com.ua/publications/2015/06/16/546489/view_print/ [in Ukrainian].
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Ukrainian economy: chaotic and cyclical fluctuations around the long-term growth trend
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2016; 2:86-109 |
During thirteen of the past 25 years, Ukrainian economy was in crisis, and during the remaining twelve years it was in the state of economic growth. In the scientific community this phenomenon has caused debate: was the frequency of crises and phases of growth a result of the action of random economic shocks or cyclical fluctuations in the economy around its long-term trend of development? Without answering this question it is impossible to develop any forecasts or strategies for future growth of the Ukrainian economy. To solve this problem, the author investigated the dynamics of Ukraine's economy in 1990-2015. As the basis of the research he took the hypothesis that the uneven growth of the Ukrainian economy in the short term was shaped by shocks of external conditions, and in the medium term it was determined by the institutional economic cycles which in turn influenced the formation of the long-term trend of domestic commodity production.
The results of the survey helped gather evidence of the fact that during 1997-2015 in the Ukrainian economy, an economic cycle took place caused by the institutional reforms of 1997-1999 during which the domestic commodity output constantly varied under the shocks of external conjuncture and eventually acquired its own long-term trend of growth. These conclusions made it possible to identify the priorities for future institutional reforms in the domestic economy in order to resume its growth in the medium and long term.
Keywords: economic growth, institutions, institutional economic cycle, shocks of external conjuncture, domestic market, economic reforms
JEL: O400
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 86 - 109) | Download | Downloads :896 |
2. Heyets, V. M. (at all, ed.). (2010). Economics of Ukraine for 1991–2009 years. Institute of Economics and forecasting. Kyiv, Ukraine State Statistics Service [in Ukrainian].
3. Taranenko, I. V., Zelenska, V. A. (2015). The impact in world markets of steel products in Ukraine's GDP dynamics. Ekonomichnyj nobelivs'kyj visnyk, 8, 108–118 [in Ukrainian].
4. Rebelo, S. (2010). Models of real business cycles: past, present and future. Voprosy jekonomiki, 10, 56–67 [in Russian].
5. Mavlianov, S. (2012). Export-led growth and economic development of South Korea: lessons for Kyrgyzstan. International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Retrieved from avekon.org/papers/532.pdf
6. Satsyk, V. (2009). Countercyclical regulation of economy of Ukraine in modern conditions the volatility of international markets. Mizhnarodna ekonomichna polityka, 1–2 (10–11), 129–156 [in Ukrainian].
7. Vozna, L., Zhalilo, Ya. (2014). Business cycle as a phenomenon of Ukrainian economy: background and forming conclusions for policy makers. Stratehichni prioritety, 2 (31), 23–34 [in Ukrainian].
8. State program of development of domestic production, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 2011, September, 12, N 1130. Retrieved from www.zakon.rada.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
9. Kryuchkova, I. (2004). Structural factors of economic development of Ukraine. Kyiv, NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting; Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian].
10. State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2013). The costs and resources of households. Retrieved from www.ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
11. Pustovoit, O. (2016). The institutional nature of economic cycles. Experience of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Retrieved from ief.org.ua/?page_id=5770#pagetitle [in Ukrainian].
12. Coase, R. (1993). The company, the market and right. Moscow: Delo Ltd and Catallaxy [in Russian].
13. North, D. (2000). Institutions, institutional change and the economy, translation. from English. Kyiv: Osnovy [in Ukrainian].
14. Tugan-Baranovsky, M.I. (2004). Paper money and metal. Kyiv: Kyiv National Economic University [in Ukrainian].
15. Solow, R. M. (1957). Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 39:8, 312–320. doi: doi.org/10.2307/1926047
16. Lukinov, I. (1997). Economic Transformation (late twentieth century). Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting [in Ukrainian].
17. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. (2011). Consumer price index in the 1992–2010 biennium (until December). Retrieved from www.ukrstat.gov.ua [in Ukrainian].
18. Forbes: Three Ukrainian – the list of the richest people in the world (2006, March 10). RBC-Ukraine. Retrieved from www.rbc.ua/ukr/analytics/forbes_troe_ukraintsev_v_spiske_bogateyshih_lyudey_planety_1141982870 [in Ukrainian].
19. Ukrainian people impoverished, while the number of billionaires is increasing (2012, 14–20 November). Personal plus, 46 (503). Retrieved from www.personal-plus.net/503/9799.html [in Ukrainian].
20. World Development Indicators (2014). The World bank. Retrieved from databank.worldbank.org/data/home.aspx
21. Lanovyj, V. (June 16, 2015). Anatomy of a crisis of the Ukrainian economy. Ekonomichna pravda. Retrieved from www.epravda.com.ua/publications/2015/06/16/546489/view_print/ [in Ukrainian].
№ 4/2017
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Economic growth in Ukraine: problems and revival prospects
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2017; 4:71-92 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2017.04.071 |
In 2016, after two years of economic downturn, Ukraine's real GDP grew by 2.3%. Some researchers explained the resumed economic growth with an increase in domestic consumer and investment demand. Contrary to these conclusions, the article presents the facts that the growth of the Ukrainian economy began as a result of depreciation under the influence of inflation of the main factors of production, that is, labor, land, and capital.
Reduced cost of their purchase allowed the businessmen, even with reduced output, to receive additional revenues and direct them to increase wages and to finance investment projects. In 2016-2017, the annual growth rate of the Ukrainian economy did not exceed 2.5%.
This limited the government's ability to raise living standards, overcome poverty, and serve and repay the foreign debt. To solve these problems, annual economic growth should exceed 6%. The article provides evidence that cheap domestic production resources are insufficient to speed up Ukraine's economic growth of Ukraine in the future.
In order to initiate such a growth, it is necessary to create a motivational mechanism that would encourage the business to shift from the export of raw materials over their deep processing into new goods and services with greater added value.
The author proposes to create such a mechanism via institutional reforms that would address the three key tasks. They include: redistributing business and state revenues in favor of the households to increase their demand for innovative and/or higher-quality products; increasing the level of non-price competition between the producers of such items; and creating long-term incentives for them to invest in new types of goods and services.
Keywords: economic growth, institutional economic cycle, external debt, devaluation, inflation, economic crisis, economic reforms
JEL: E 32
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 71 - 92) | Download | Downloads :825 |
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№ 2/2021
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2021; 2:7-31 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2021.02.007 |
In economics, "competitiveness" remains a very general concept, and its use in applied research does not allow combining their results and making unambiguous conclusions. This process is also complicated by the fact that the concept is composite and has two components – the price competitiveness and the value competitiveness. The latter can serve as an indicator of qualitative changes in the economy. However, this aspect of competitiveness in developing countries is still disregarded by researchers. Therefore, it is safe to say that today there are no studies, which, with a high level of accuracy, can analyze the value competitiveness of exports in such countries. Economists usually focus their efforts on the analysis of export price competitiveness and one of its main factors, which is the exchange rate of the national currency. However, this approach has limited cognitive capabilities, because the emergence of new centers of global growth, such as China and India is impossible to explain, based only on the high price competitiveness of their exports.
The article attempts to solve some accumulated problems in economic science. In particular, based on the results of the analysis of modern definitions of the concept of "competitiveness", the author proposes to expand its content, generalizing the level of conformity of goods (services) to consumer preferences of market participants. This conceptual position is used to deepen the understanding of the basic, value and price competitiveness of products. A method for assessing the dominant role of value (price) competitiveness of exports in ensuring its dynamics has been developed. According to the results of the of methodology, it was found that in Ukraine’s export markets, the cyclical process of alternating growth of value or price competitiveness of this country’s products is mostly interrupted. The reason for this is the high price competitiveness of raw material exports, which is mainly attained due to low wages in the economy.
In international markets, value competitiveness is inherent in a relatively small number of product groups of Ukrainian products. These include: insulated wires, cables and other insulated electrical conductors; fiber optic cables; turbojet engines, turboprop and other gas turbines; weapons, ammunition, their parts and accessories; electric heating devices and apparatus; vessels intended for the carriage of persons or goods; tugs and pushers; parts of aircraft; cars for transportation of passengers, cargoes, including self-propelled ones; water steam turbines and other steam turbines; and women's and men's clothing. It is substantiated that from the point of view of finding a new strategy of economic growth for Ukraine, the most urgent issues are not those of intensifying export activities, but those of updating the composition of the largest export commodity groups. Leading positions among them should be occupied by goods with a large share of value added, and increased technological complexity and value competitiveness. The beginning of this process will mean the emergence of new qualitative changes in the economy, and the effectiveness of public policy of economic reform.
Keywords:export, import, goods, services, consumer preferences, unit value, basic competitiveness, price competitiveness, value (non-price, qualitative) competitiveness, economic growth
JEL: F10, F43
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 7 - 31) | Download | Downloads :388 |
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№ 3/2022
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2022; 3:75-98 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2022.03.075 |
The full-scale war unleashed in 2022 by the Russian Federation against Ukraine is accompanied by massive destruction of infrastructure and industrial facilities. Their rapid recovery is impossible without international assistance. However, it is known from history that the use of such aid did not always lead to accelerated post-war recovery of countries whose markets and economies are developing. Knowledge of such facts urged Western scientists to search for a mechanism of aid's impact on economic growth. Researches that began in the 1960s did not shed light on this mechanism. However, they did show that aid speeded up economic growth and recovery in countries that conducted better fiscal, monetary, and trade policies and succeeded in establishing the rule of law.
In the article, a slightly different scientific approach is substantiated. It assumes that when the country implements not only a better fiscal, monetary, foreign trade, institutional, but also structural economic policy, the impact of international aid on postwar economic growth can significantly increase. The proposed approach gives grounds for the statement that the limited amount of aid in Ukraine should not be dissipated on the reconstruction of all industrial facilities destroyed and damaged by the war, but it is advisable to concentrate it on the restoration of enterprises that are able to start production and sale of high technological complexity products on international markets within a short period. The advantages of such use of the aid are shown by calculation. It shows that directing international aid at expanding exports of high technological complexity items would create in Ukraine favorable conditions for increasing the post-war annual growth rates of commodity production to 10% and reduce the period of recovery of this indicator to the 2021 level from 12 to 6 years.
At the same time, arguments are given that the proposed use of aid is only a means of shortening the terms of the economy's exit from the crisis and its transition to a state of accelerated growth. It will be possible to turn this state into a long-term economic trend only if an effective mechanism is introduced for encouraging the companies’ innovative activities and attracting foreign investments in industries producing items of high technological complexity. Modeling possible scenarios of the post-war recovery of Ukraine's economy somewhat expands the scientific understanding of the mechanism of aid's effect on a country’s economic growth. In particular, it is supplemented by the idea that in the post-war period, international aid plays the role of a driver of high rates of a country’s economic growth to the extent that it contributes to economic restructuring of the production from military to civil mode transforming it from technologically simple to more technologically complex.
Keywords:post-war economy, international aid, commodity production, economic policy, export, import, unit value, high technological complexity products
JEL: H 56, F 35, O 20
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 75 - 98) | Download | Downloads :268 |
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