An assessment of the current level of Ukraine's food security of in the global dimension by the FAO indicators: food availability (average dietary adequacy of supply, the average cost of food, the proportion of dietary energy from cereals, roots and tubers, the average supply of proteins and average availability of animal protein); access to food (the proportion of paved roads in the total number of roads, railways density, gross domestic product per capita, indices of domestic food prices, hunger spread, depth of food shortages); stability of food systems (coefficient of dependence on imported cereals, the proportion of arable land with irrigation facilities, the excess of food imports over total exports of goods, variability of the index of domestic food prices, volatility of the index of per capita food output, and volatility of the index of per capita food supply); the use of food and food systems (access to improved water sources and to improved sanitation).
The author defines various set trends in the change of the main indicators, including in comparison with the countries of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, Oceania, developed countries and developing countries. The current state of food security in Ukraine in terms of corresponding indicators is studied not by separate units but in their relationship, with regard to the influence of various factors.
Keywords: food availability, access to food, stability of food systems, use of food, food system, food security, Ukraine, the world
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