№ 2017/1
Economics of agriculture
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
2Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
Agro-food chains: key issues of creation and development
Discovered and summarized the scientific and methodological approaches and principles of the creation and development of agro-food chains. Agro-food chains has been grouped by several classification criteria. The authors highlight the fundamental differences in the assessment of the role and importance of agro-food chains by Ukrainian and foreign researchers. Systematized key issues of domestic agro-food chains, which are mainly concentrated in their primary segment, such as lack of legal regulation of economic relations, shortage of raw materials, incomplete implementation of the systemic food safety techniques, dictate of integrating companies and others.
It is established that empowering internal innovative potential of agro-food chains is related to improved organization, operating conditions, institutional norms and informal rules, as well as the forms of social and economic relations between the participant entities and the internal relations inside them. Taking into account the international experience, the authors justify various proposals for developing agro-food chains to enhance sustainability, improve efficiency and increase value added.
Established that abroad the agro-food chain is considered as a food supply chain to the end user and the main problems are related to overcoming the problems that inhibit such positive processes taking place in the agro-food chains as increased efficiency on the principles of sustainability, and strengthened role of each actor in the chain of added value. The authors generalize the structure of the components of the added value and directions of its use for the needs of society and its members. Highlighted the international management experience in the agro-food chains and justified the expediency of its application in relation to the specific functioning of agro-food chains in Ukraine's agrarian sector.
Keywords: agricultural and food-processing enterprises, agro-food chain, sustainable development, value added chains
JEL: O13, Q13, Q18
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 72 - 91) | Download | Downloads :773 |
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