№ 2017/1
1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine
Institutional environment for agricultural land use: towards adaptive and social efficiency
Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2017; 1:44-57 | https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2017.01.044 |
JEL: Q15
Article in Ukrainian (pp. 44 - 57) | Download | Downloads :817 |
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2. Moldavan, L.V. Contradictions of the land reform in Ukraine's agrarian sector in the context of the world practice. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and Forecasting, 2, 148-159 [in Ukrainian].
3. Heyets, V.M., Borodina, O.M., Prokopa, I.V. (Eds). (2012). Ukrainian model of the agrarian development and its reorientation. Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv. Retrieved from www.dnsgb.com.ua/files/nauk_dop_2w.pdf [in Ukrainian].
4. Borodina, O.M., Prokopa, I.V. (2016). The village and peasantry at the juncture of opportunities and the crossroad of hope. Ekon. prognozuvannâ – Economy and Forecasting, 2, 132-147 [in Ukrainian].
5. North, D. and Thomas, R. (1997). The first economic revolution. Economic History Review, XXX, 2, 229-241.
6. Yurchyshyn, V.V. (2009). Agrarian revolutions in Ukraine in the context of epoch changes: origin and essence. Ekonomika Ukrainy – Economy of Ukraine, 3, 45-57 [in Ukrainian].
7. Merton, R.K. (1949). Social theory and social structure. New York: Free Press.
8. North, D.C. (1997). The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics to an Understanding of the Transition Problem. WIDER Annual Lecture 001. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER. Retrieved from www.wider.unu.edu/sites/default/files/AL01-1997.pdf
9. Yurchyshyn, V.V. (2009). Agrarian policy in Ukraine at the epochs' turning point: historical, social and economical essays. Kyiv: Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian].
10. North, D.C. (1990). Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. doi: doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511808678