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№ 2015/4

Forecasting methods and models


1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine

An assessment of the influence of the corporate sector's credit transactions on Ukraine's budget revenues

Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2015; 4:118-132https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2015.04.118


JEL: E510, E620, F310, H250, H710, O230

Article in Ukrainian (pp. 118 - 132) DownloadDownloads :718


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2. Tax Code of Ukraine dated December 2, 2010, No. 2755-VI. Official web portal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Retrieved from zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2755-17 [in Ukrainian].
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9. Comprehensive tax advice on the specifics of filing of enterprise profit tax and income tax in 2013 approved by Order of the State Tax Service of Ukraine No. 1171 of December 21, 2012. Official website of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. Retrieved from sfs.gov.ua/zakonodavstvo/podatkove-zakonodavstvo/nakazi/62201.html [in Ukrainian].