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№ 2015/4

Economy under the conditions of modern transformations

BURLAI Tetiana 1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine

Social quality policy in the context of the association agreement between Ukraine and EU

Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2015; 4:81-95https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2015.04.081


The article justifies the necessity of transition from traditional social policy to social quality policy, taking into account the relevant approaches and experience of the European Union.
The purpose of this transition is the achievement of social goals set by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, minimizing the social risks that accompany its implementation, and providing a real European integration of the Ukrainian state in the social sphere.
Based on the study's results, the author developed recommendations on the formation and implementation of social quality policy in Ukraine, which contain the following urgent institutional steps:
• improvement of public administration system, including strengthening the functions of state strategic planning of the country' social development.
• improvement of public administration system, including strengthening the functions of state strategic planning of the country' social development.
• change of ideology and state approaches to social programming and performance budgeting in the social sphere.
• correction of domestic forecasting and monitoring system for performing multi-level social development programs, including the state purpose oriented social programs.
• creating the necessary legislative framework for the implementation of social quality policy in Ukraine, which should be harmonized with the legislative framework of the EU and relevant international organisations.

Keywords: European integration, social risks, social quality policy, Ukraine, EU

JEL: І310

Article in Ukrainian (pp. 81 - 95) DownloadDownloads :740