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№ 2015/3

Market: forecast and conjuncture


1 Razumkov Centre

Improvements of the approaches to royalties determination for the use of subsoil for natural gas recovery

Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2015; 3:58-70https://doi.org/10.15407/eip2015.03.058


JEL: Q35, Q38

Article in Ukrainian (pp. 58 - 70) DownloadDownloads :572


1. Code of Ukraine «About Subsoil» No. 132/94-BP dated 27.07.94 (last amendment: No. 521-VIII dated 16.06.15). Retrieved from zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/132/94-%D0%B2%D1%80 [in Ukrainian].
2. Tax Code of Ukraine No. 2755-VI dated 02.12.10 (last amendment: No. 548-19 dated 10.09.15). Retrieved from zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2755-17 [in Ukrainian].
3. Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 as Amended (re-transcribed 8/9/07). United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Washington, D.C.
4. Gentile, Nicole (2015). Federal Oil and Gas Royalty and Revenue Reform. Report of Center for American Progress. Washington, D.C.
5. Petroleum Royalty Regulation, 2009 (2015). Alberta Regulation 222/2008 with amendments up to and including Alberta Regulation 156/2014/. Edmonton, Alberta: Alberta Queen’s Printer.
6. Oil and Gas Royalty Handbook (2014). British Columbia Ministry of Finance, Victoria, B.C. Canada.
7. Bundesberg gesetz vom 13, August 1980. (BGBl. I S. 1310) /das zuletzt durch Artikel 4 Absatz 71 des Gesetzes vom 7. August 2013 (BGBl. I S. 3154)/. Bonn-Berlin [in German].
8. Mishchenko, V.S. (2013). Rent Regulation Improvement in the management of Mineral Resources. Ekonomika Ukrainy – Economy of Ukraine, 8, 84-96 [in Ukrainian].
9. Ricardo, David (1955). Selected Works, 1. Moscow: Political Literature Publishing House [in Russian].
10. Regulation for Application of Classification of Reserves and Resources of Minerals of Subsoil State Fund for Geology-economic Study of Promising Resources Areas and Oil and Gas Reserves. Approved by Decree of State Commission of Ukraine for Minerals Reserves dated 10.07.98, No. 46. Retrieved from zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0475-98 [in Ukrainian].
11. Resolution of National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities (NERC) dated 03.03.15, No. 502 «About the price of the commodity natural gas domestic production of PJSC «Ukrgasdobycha». Retrieved from www.nerc.gov.ua/?id=14774 [in Ukrainian].