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№ 2014/1

Economics of agriculture

POPOVA Olha Leontiivna1

1Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS of Ukraine

"Own House" Program (support of rural residence construction): a regional cross-section

Ekon. prognozuvannâ 2014; 1:97-105


JEL: G38; R38

Article in Ukrainian (pp. 97 - 105) DownloadDownloads :666


1. Reference on Implementing programs to support individual housing construction in rural areas and improve the living conditions of the rural population Own house. n.d. Retrieved from minregion.gov. ua/building/derzhavni-zhitlovi-programi/analitichna-dovidka-pro-stan-vikonannya-programi-pidtrimki-individualnogo-zhitlovogo-budivnictva-na-seli-ta-pokraschennya-zhitlo-757284/ [in Ukrainian].
2. Vedernykova, I. (2014). Vladimir Groisman: Power is decentralized. At the start of the reforms we have - a month. Dzerkalo tyzhnja. Ukrai'na. – Mirror of the week. Ukraine, March, 6, 8 [in Ukrainian].
3. The system of distribution of funds among the regions in the state program should go into oblivion. n. d. Retrieved from minregion.gov.ua/news/v-groysman-sis-tema-rozpodilu-koshtiv-sered-regioniv-za-derzhprogramami-mae-piti-v-nebuttya-702663 [in Ukrainian].